Some CA Gun Stores Reopening As Lockdown Eases In Parts Of State

According to Firearm Chronicles

For the first time since March, gun stores in Ventura County, California and several other jurisdictions across the state were allowed to open for business on Friday, as California moved into “phase two” of Gov. Gavin Newsom’s phased reopening of the economy and easing of social distancing measures.

In Ventura County, local officials declared an end to the whole idea of “essential” vs. “nonessential” businesses, and wrote in a court filing that the move allows gun stores to reopen along with every other business in the city, provided they can meet the social distancing guidelines.

Because neither the State Order nor the May 7 Order expressly mentions gun stores, defendants County of Ventura, Sheriff William Ayub and Robert Levin, the Ventura County Health Officer, have provided the following specific guidance: “With the elimination of the essential business model in the local health order, and reliance on the State health order model for critical infrastructure, the Sheriff and local health officer have determined that the gun stores may fully open to the public provided they implement and register site-specific prevention plans as described">