Below The Radar – The TASERS Act

According to Firearm Chronicles

United States – -( Second Amendment supporters have no need to fear honest research on Second Amendment issues. The facts have consistently borne out the folly of punishing law-abiding Americans for crimes and acts of madness they did not commit – especially when said punishments (usually in the form of infringements on our rights) do not deliver the results promised. The real problem, though, is making sure taxpayer funds go towards honest research.

One thing Second Amendment supporters can take to the bank is that they will not get anything close to an honest study out of HR 4740, the TASER Access, Safety, and Effectiveness Review and Study Act, or TASERS Act. For starters, the bill’s sponsor should be a huge red flag in and of itself. This bill was introduced by Representative Bobby Rush (D-IL), who also is known for the Blair Holt Firearm Owner Licensing and Record of Sale Act.

This legislation, like the Gun Suicide Prevention Act, is intended as a trojan horse – and in two aspects. The first, most obviously, is the generation of “research” in the form of phony “studies” that will be used to attack our rights.

In this case, Rush is trying to make people think he’s just interested in taser research, but a look at the text of this bill shows that the title is a lie. Because the bill is not just going after stun guns. Nope, Rush’s bill requires “a national study of firearms and tasers.”">