According to Firearm Chronicles
Jackson, Mississippi Mayor Chokwe A. Lumumba announced a temporary ban on the open carrying of firearms in the city over the weekend, and he’s already feeling the heat from some of the state’s top officials in response.
Lumumba says that continued crime in Jackson led him to take the stand, though this appears to be driven by publicity rather than public safety. The Democrat mayor proclaimed that his order will only last for a week, and used his announcement to call for a permanent end to open carry in the state. From Y’all Politics:
If we are sincere in our hope for better outcomes and a brighter future for our youth, we must be moved to action. It is this call to action that has led to my decision to issue an Executive Order suspending Open Carry law during the Covid-19 civil emergency. Under State Statutes 45-17-7(e), I am given the discretion in the interest of public safety and welfare to issue such orders that are necessary for the protection of life and property.
In this moment of great distress and economic tension it is important that we eliminate the ability for illegal weapons to inflict irreparable harm on our City. I want to make it clear that I have no principal disagreement with the Second Amendment right to bear arms, but all rights must be balanced by reasonable regulations. A right that protects illegal guns and puts more people in fear, a right that escalates conflict beyond a point of resolution, and a right that interferes with another person’s right to live is not a legitimate right to be maintained.
Your right to swing ends at my nose.
While this order will only be in effect for a short period of time, I am calling on all Jackson residents, and all state and local leaders to act in the interest of our innocent children. Repeal the Open Carry law which makes it impossible for law enforcement to root out illegal firearms on our streets.