Democrats think the only way to solve a Crisis is Gun Control

According to Firearm Chronicles

Back in 2013, Democrats in control of Colorado’s legislature rammed through universal background checks and a ban on ammunition magazines capable of holding more than 15-rounds. When he signed the bills, then-Governor John Hickenlooper promised that the new laws would make Colorado safer.

They haven’t. Violent crime is up by more than 25-percent since the new laws were put on the books, but Democrats in the legislature are doubling down on their anti-gun efforts by proclaiming the state is in a crisis and the only hope is to pass even more laws aimed at legal gun owners. Colorado Democrats are introducing two new gun bills Friday afternoon that they say represent the next steps in what will be a years-long attempt at stemming gun violence here.

Rep. Monica Duran, a Wheat Ridge Democrat who’s sponsoring one of the new bills, said, “Each year, whatever it might be, whatever it might look like, we will be bringing (gun) legislation to the point to where it’s just as common as a health care bill, just as common as an environmental bill, where it’s not some big thing, where it’s standard, normal. We’re going to be dealing with this.” Before we get to the specific legislation Democrats are pushing this year, let’s examine Rep. Duran’s comments for a second. She claims that every year lawmakers are going to be introducing new gun control bills on a piecemeal basis. If they truly believe there’s a crisis, why not just introduce every gun control bill that you support this legislative session?

Duran’s argument is an explicitly political one. She’s admitting to taking an incrementalist approach (otherwise known as “boiling the frog”) because she and other Democrats know if they were to push their entire anti-gun agenda in one session, they’d not only cause a huge backlash among gun owners in the state, but they’d lose their legislative majorities in the next election. Instead, they’re pushing just two bills this year; a storage law and a “lost or stolen” reporting requirement for legal gun owners.">