School Walkout Organizer Testifies in Favor of CT Ammo Tax

According to Firearmchronicles

The ammo tax proposed in Connecticut is, perhaps, the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard of. It’s a massive tax that would have a significant impact on any number of aspects of shooting sports and a clear infringement on the Second Amendment. Frankly, it’s an idea that’s so dumb, it could only come from New England.

But it’s an important issue because it’s a bill that’s been proposed. At least we can rest easy knowing that experts will be called on to testify about any positives and negatives of this bill, right? Eh, not so much.

The Ridgefield teenager who two years ago organized a national school walkout over gun control threw her support last week behind a bill that would tax ammunition purchases in the state of Connecticut. “An excise tax on ammunition would send a message that should be clear — you have the right to own a weapon, but you do have to pay for the damages it can cause,” said Lane Murdock, during testimony Feb. 27.

The bill in question, House Bill 5040, would create a 35 percent excise tax on ammunition sold in Connecticut. The proposed legislation drew protest from gun-rights advocates at the public hearing last Thursday, who claimed it would unnecessarily punish responsible gun owners if adopted into law.">