Last week, Gov. Ralph Northam’s sweeping gun ban bill died in the Senate Judiciary Committee when four Democrats joined Republicans in referring the legislation to the state’s Crime Commission instead of sending the bill to the floor for a vote. Gun owners were hoping for a repeat performance as the Judiciary Committee took up a number of gun control bills Monday morning, but unfortunately the same senators who voted against the gun ban voted in favor of red flag legislation, one-gun-a-month rationing, and more.
Phillip Van Cleave of the Virginia Citizens Defense League joins me on today’s Bearing Arms’ Cam & Co. to break down the latest language in the gun control bills, which still differ in some respects from the versions passed by the House of Delegates. That means that many of the bills will be heading to a conference committee comprised of members of both chambers, where the two sides will try to craft some sort of compromise language. A simply majority will suffice to bring the reworked bills to the floor of both House and Senate, and any bill that passes both chambers would then go on to Northam’s desk for his signature.