Lawmaker proposes Act against, Flamethrowers?

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Sometimes, anti-Second Amendment legislation can be beyond pointless and almost to the point of satire. One such bill is HR 2671, titled the Flamethrowers? Really? Act, introduced by Representative Eliot Engel (D-NY). Now, one reason this bill is flying under the radar is that flamethrowers just haven’t been misused in crimes, nor have they been in the news. In addition, Engel is not exactly known for pushing gun control, although he has a terrible voting record.

So, what is up with this legislation? According to the text, it regulates flamethrowers like machine guns. The real answer is that it is a very diabolical trap for Second Amendment supporters. A trap that mirrors the ones that have been used in the past 35 years, sometimes to significant effect in convincing our fellow Americans to back the unjust infringements of liberty that the likes of Michael Bloomberg want to inflict on us.