Thief Armed with Hatchet Picks The Wrong Clerk!

Carry everyday. It may cost you your job but thats a small price in comparison to betting your life. As one clerk found out what couldve been a violent and brutal encounter was cut short by the presence of a firearm.


FoxNews reports that authorities are seeking a would-be thief who was armed with a hatchet when he tried to rob a convenience store, only to flee when the clerk drew a gun and called 911.

However, the clerk’s quick thinking cost him his job, with the president of Plaid Pantry in Oak Grove explaining to local station KOIN-TV that the chain has a zero-tolerance policy for weapons.

He said employees are trained to de-escalate robbery situations to avoid injury, according to the station.

The Clackamas County Sheriff’s Office on Friday released surveillance video of the incident which took place April 28 at the store, seeking tips in identifying the suspect who fled empty-handed and without the 12-inch hatchet.

“We’d like to reunite you with the hatchet you left behind after the clerk responded with a handgun and a 911 call and you fled the scene,” Sgt…