The best Dumaflache you will ever buy! (Shot Show 2019)

We stop by the Mantis booth to check out one of our favorite digital trainers, The mantis X. The Mantis X uses an accelerometer and software to record what exactly is happening every time you pull the trigger and displays it on screen. The Mantis X will tell you if you are pulling the gun to the right, anticipating the shot, and many other shooter errors. It will score each and individual shot you take and if you don’t like nitpicking well bad news the mantis will still show areas that need improvement. Mantis goes on to show us the new Mantis x3. Its a smaller dumaflache in a smaller package it features a built in quick disconnect feature and beefed up the plug port and is expected to release in march!

This system has been proven and has been used by several top tier operators such as Kris “Tanto” Paranto benghazi badass, Rudy Reyes, and Daniel Lombard the chicago police force trainer and Rhodesian vet. Needless to say the MantisX is not a gimmick.

Mantis X Shooting Performance System

MantisX is a data-driven approach to mastery.  While attached to a pistol or rifle, it analyzes every shot and generates actionable data you can use to improve. (No rail?  They have adapters.) MantisX detects each shot you make, analyzes the movement of the firearm during the trigger pull, and assigns a score to each shot that signifies deviation from the aiming position. Based on the movement patterns of the firearm, MantisX identifies areas of improvement and provides coaching that will improve your mechanics, your score, and your precision. MantisX keeps track of all your shooting sessions and generates useful reports that will help you identify your shooting trends, gauge your progress, and set adequate improvement goals. While MantisX was designed for live fire usage, it is effective in dry fire practice as well. The software algorithms are continually improving, and you should expect that the dry fire component will see continual improvements through regular app updates.