“Thats not for them to know” Another Democratic gubernational hopeful caught redhanded!

Another one… The boogey man is still here people. He didn’t go away. We just did an article not too long ago talking about this very subject. The gun grabbing left is now resorting to hiding their agenda in order to pass legislations that threaten your second amendment rights. Behind close doors they openly discuss exactly how they plan on taking your firearms! When discussing their plans a staffer was quoted saying,“Thats not for them to know!”

Breitbart writes that a Project Veritas video released Wednesday night deals a shocking blow to the campaign of Florida’s Democrat gubernatorial hopeful Andrew Gillum.

Omar Smith, who is a staffer for Gillum, said that if Gillum is elected “None of the programs that people are hoping for would happen.”

When questioned on whether or not voters knew that, Smith responded, “That’s not for them to know” and insisted that it be kept a secret.

“So, let’s go back to Mr. Gillum’s platform, right?” said Smith, who claims to have attended college with Gillum. “Raise the corporate tax in Florida from 7 to 11 percent. That will never happen. Raise teacher’s pay to $50,000, that will never happen. Give me another position. Medicare for all, that will never happen.”

Smith continued by slamming the state of Florida and using racial slurs and referring to white people as…

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You can view the video below.
