Keep in mind, this was written by a 6th grader. I found it worthy of posting for 2 reasons.
1. it shows that some schools are still teaching relevant American History
2. it shows a glimpes into the mind of the first generation that don’t remember that day.
How the mass mass murder and the amount of dust affects United States. 9/11 was an unprecedented terrorist attack that changed America forever.
9/11 was a devastating event/sad tragedy in our country
“The immunity disorder sarcoidosis which evaluated among fire fighters early on now back to pre september 11 for early for PTSD symptoms”( CNN HEALTH PG.1). This is important because so many people got WTC and other respiratory issues.Many people also got PTSD Post traumatic stress disorder.The post traumatic stress disorder is an issue that makes kinda
crazy you don’t think straight and are always stressed out.Many marines have this disorder
because of all the gunfire and loud explosions.
Many people’s families were affected by 9/11. “The victims were in airplanes or in their offices secretaries, businessmen and women,military and federal workers.Moms and dad.Friends and neighbors” (Bush speech pg.1). This is important because Bush is telling all the families the people that all that died will be remembered.also that our nation is strong.I know what im saying because i read it in the bush article.Many people lost lives homes and
business because of bankrupt and sad tragedies.
After 9/11 as a country we decided to stay strong. “I was able to give blood it took 5.5 hours. [Wertheimer Pg4]. The country was was staying strong by by staying for 5.5 hours and still giving blood.That says that this is a caring and loving country for people and the nation.
I think what the Muslims did was wrong and our country will stay strong. “These acts of mass murder were to frighten our nation into chaos but they have failed our nation is strong.” (Bush speech pg).This attack was a surprise on America nobody knew what was going on they thought the first the first attack was a pilot mistake when the second plane hit
the south tower people knew it was a Terrorist attack on American soil. After 9/11 people came together as a country there were more flags flying on cars and flagpoles.More people became patriots and buying self defence weapons