102 year old ammo manufacturer

According to sadefencejournal

Mesko, Poland’s leading ammunition manufacturer turns 90 this summer.  From the beginning it was meant to provide the Polish Army with high-quality ammunition – and within the intervening years that’s what the plant, through its many guises, always did.

The history of Skarżysko-Kamienna, a town of now 48,000, started in 1923.  Prior to that only a village called Milica was situated nearby, mentioned in chronicles as early as 1183, but later lost amongst the woods.  In the 1890s the Russians, occupying this part of Poland, built a railroad connecting their fortress of Ivangorod (now Dęblin) with Sosnowiec on the fringes of Silesia.

In 1922, the Central Military Production Plants Authority in Warsaw sent Mr. Leonard Łabuć (future first director of the State Ammunition Factory) with Mr. Franciszek Kuropatwiński to Skarżysko Kościelne commune to delineate a place somewhere close by the railhead, where the ammunition factory would be organized.  They chose a large forest clearing on the banks of the river Kamienna.  The new township outside Milica, where workers erecting the factory were to be lodged, was christened Kamienna and given municipal status in 1923.  Soon the first factory buildings were standing and on 25 August, 1924, the Phase I of the State Ammunition Factory (Polish: Państwowa Fabryka Amunicji, PFA) construction was finished, and the first manufacturing lines were busy filling artillery grenades.

Mesko 9mm 124gr FMJ HERE
