Bowe Berghdal



By: Spike Bowan


Alright gang. I know it’s been a while since I have written. I apologize for that. Family comes first. However, this Treasonous P.O.S. has to be talked about and I am OFF THE BENCH and BACK IN THE GAME! You are hearing all sorts of information about Bowe. I will not address his former Rank as I feel he has no right to it!

Here is the short and skinny of it. 5 years he has spent in custody of the Taliban and it was his fault. He left. He deserted his Brothers and left the base. Then his dumb ass got caught! Dereliction of Duty is the least of this guys worries. He left for whatever reason; DURING A TIME OF WAR!; and many, and I mean MANY American Soldiers DIED LOOKING FOR HIM!


I have been in contact wit many JSOC and DEVGRU friends of mine and the consensus is; TRAITOR!

And then Mr. President Barry releases 5 of the worst Taliban commanders in trade for this P.O.S. publicly claiming …” America leaves no man behind…” after what he and the Admin did in Benghazi makes me sick to my stomach! He released those Hadji’s without Congressional approval!!! ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!


I am not even gonna get started on Bergdahls Dad reciting Islamic prayers in the Rose Garden!">